Phonak Hearing Aid Review: 2025 Cost and Pricing

Phonak has consistently brought cutting-edge advancements to hearing aid technology, starting in the 1970s, when Phonak created the first Behind-the-ear hearing aid. Before this, hearing aids were worn on the body, with a long wire traveling up to the ear!
Presently, Phonak offers a full lineup of hearing aid styles that help individuals with single-sided hearing problems and tinnitus. In addition to hearing aids, they also offer wireless accessories such as remote microphones and TV connectors.
I first started fitting Phonak hearing aids when I was a student training in a university clinic. Now, as an audiologist, Phonak has become a regular part of my professional life, and I’m consistently impressed by their products and innovations.
Pro Tip: Do you or someone you know have tinnitus, a ringing sensation in the ears? Read our article, Best Hearing Aids for Tinnitus.
Top-Rated OTC Hearing Aid Brands
While Phonak hearing aids performed well in our tests, they can easily cost upward of $4,000 for a pair, not to mention they require in-person audiologist visits. If you have mild to moderate hearing loss, then one of these three hearing aid brands might be right for you. Each of them offers devices for under $1,5000 for a pair.
Pros and Cons of Phonak Hearing Aids
Phonak Pros
- Free hearing test: Phonak offers a free five-minute online hearing test from the comfort of your own home. After the test is completed, a hearing aid professional will be in touch with you.
- Great for individuals with Unilateral Hearing Loss (UHL): Phonak offers a variety of hearing aids, but they also specialize in offering solutions for individuals experiencing unilateral hearing loss. Currently, UHL is prevalent among adults in the U.S. For UHL hearing aid options, consider their CROS hearing aid system for more information.
- User-friendly smartphone apps: While many hearing aid providers offer one main smartphone app to manage one’s account, Phonak offers a variety of user-friendly app options: myPhonak app, myPhonak Junior app, myRogerMic app, and Phonak Leo.
- Exceptional sound quality: Phonak provides great sound quality through their new Paradise technology, which helps individuals navigate even the most difficult hearing environments.
- Voice assistance: When you need assistance, all you have to do is tap your hearing aid to activate a voice assistant, stream music, or answer phone calls.
- Roger microphones: Currently, the Paradise hearing aids feature RogerDirect, a feature that lets Roger microphones stream with ease to Paradise hearing aids without an external receiver. This feature lets you be able to hear clear sounds in crowded or noisy environments.
- Long-term hearing aid use: Phonak offers Phonak Lyric, which is a discreet, 24/7 hearing aid that can be worn for months without having to constantly remove it from the ear. This device can be purchased through an annual subscription.
Phonak Cons
- Higher costs: Phonak hearing aids tend to be among the pricier brands of hearing aids.
- Can’t be purchased directly: Unfortunately, there is no option to purchase Phonak online, through their website. You’ll have to find a provider and hearing care specialist first.
Phonak Hearing Aids at a Glance
Phonak has a great lineup of hearing aids across all styles, from superpower devices for those with severe hearing loss to a CROS system for people with hearing loss just on one side. They even have a long-term wear, in-the-canal hearing aid.
Regardless of the specific device, the entire Phonak lineup has crisp, clear sound quality that goes head-to-head with the best competition. Phonak is the go-to hearing aid manufacturer for many hearing healthcare providers because they are proven to work well for patients with all levels of hearing loss. However, hearing aid users should make sure that the sound quality is right for them. The best way for a hearing aid wearer to assess sound quality is to try the hearing aids in daily life situations.
What has really made Phonak stand out over the past few years, however, are its Lumity and Infinio products, which we will discuss more later. First, let’s examine how Phonak names its hearing aids.

Phonak Naming
The first part of a Phonak hearing aid name is always related to the physical style. A receiver-in-canal style hearing aid, for example, is always called Audeo. This name stays the same from platform to platform. After the physical style comes the name of the platform. Lumity and Infinio are Phonak’s latest platforms. You can think of platforms as the name for a “generation” of products. So there is an Audeo Lumity, and then the next generation of the Audeo aid is the Audeo Infinio. Each platform has hardware and software improvements.
I’ll break down a few of the models in detail.
Phonak Lyric
This hearing aid device is an invisible hearing aid that delivers clear sound when placed directly in your ear canal. One of the standout features of this model is that you can wear it daily for several months without the need to take it out. Its discreet and lightweight design makes it a convenient choice for many individuals with hearing loss. Additionally, you can opt for a risk-free trial and purchase a yearly subscription. Keep in mind that this product is only sold through Certified Lyric providers and that the cost of a subscription is dependent on where you live.
Phonak Naída Paradise
This is the latest generation of hearing aids by Phonak, which provides powerful sound quality and helps users easily connect to smartphones and other devices. Additionally, these hearing aids are great for individuals with severe to profound hearing loss. For more information about hearing devices that are best for individuals with severe hearing loss, read my article, Best Hearing Aids for Severe to Profound Hearing Loss.
ActiveVent Receiver
The ActiveVent Receiver by Phonak offers superior sound quality and is compatible with all Audeo Paradise rechargeable hearing aids. Using high-quality speaker technology, this device is designed to optimize your hearing performance while blocking out noise in loud environments. The ActiveVent Receiver easily attaches to Audeo Paradise rechargeable hearing aids for an enhanced hearing experience.
Pro Tip: Hearing aids can be pricey, but there are options such as financing or looking into whether your insurance might be able to pick up some of the cost. Read our guide: Does Insurance Cover Hearing Aids?
Phonak Hearing Aids Comparison
Product | Audeo | Naida | Virto Titanium | Naida | Virto | CROS | Lyric |
Platform | Infinio | Lumity | Paradise | Lumity | Paradise | Lumity | N/A |
Style | RIC | BTE | ITE | Superpower BTE | Custom | Available in all styles | Long-term wear |
Battery | Built-in Rechargeable or changeable zinc | Built-in rechargeable lithium-ion | Zinc Air | Built-in Rechargeable or changeable zinc | Changeable zinc | Built-in Rechargeable or changeable zinc | Built-in battery that lasts 2-4 months |
Bluetooth Connectivity |
Yes | Yes | Yes in larger models | Yes | Sometimes | No | No |
Roger compatibility | Built-in | Built-in | Sometimes | Built-in | Sometimes | No | No |
Current Phonak Platforms
Marvel was the first line of products anywhere to offer connectivity via Bluetooth to any cell phone. It doesn’t even have to be a smartphone, which means that your hearing aid selection doesn’t need to dictate your cell phone choice! You can stream phone calls, music, podcasts, or any other sound you want, hands-free, from Bluetooth compatible devices.
Phonak continued to improve on its Marvel line and released its next platforms, Lumity and Infinio. With Infinio, you can use the push buttons on the hearing aids to activate voice recognition, answer and hang up calls, or pause and play audio. Currently, infinio is only available in Audeo products. Phonak usually releases a new platform in the Audeo style first, and the other hearing aid styles follow soon after. If the style you need is not on the latest platform yet, it’s usually coming soon.
Before Phonak released the Lumity and Infinio products, there were no hearing aids that could stream audio to both ears from any type of Bluetooth device. Most hearing aids streamed only from iPhones.
Phonak Lumity and Infinio products can also be purchased with a telecoil, which is necessary if you want to use the loop systems often found in churches and theaters. With Lumity and Infinio, this means you don’t have to choose just one kind of connectivity.
FYI: If you think you might want a Telecoil, make sure to mention it to your hearing healthcare provider, because not all providers automatically order hearing aids with telecoils.
Hearing Protection
Phonak offers a line of great products that help protect your hearing in different environments such as hunting, sleeping, listening to music, and loud motorsports. Current models include the following:
- Serenity Choice Hunting & Shooting: This is intended for users who may experience frequent loud sounds such as fireworks, gun shots, and other harsh sounds.
- Serenity Choice Motorsport: This product helps protect the ears from engine noise and turbulence.
- Serenity Choice Sleep: If you have trouble sleeping because of noise and other disturbances, you might benefit from this product. Serenity Choice Sleep reduces street noise and snoring.
- Serenity Choice Work: This is intended to reduce heavy machinery noise.
- Serenity Choice Music: This product is intended to prevent hearing damage at loud events such as concerts, bars, and other large-scale events.
- Serenity Choice Comfort: You can use this hearing protection product to help reduce background noise and help you concentrate on a specific task.
How to Purchase Phonak Hearing Aids
Although Phonak products are not sold directly to consumers and are purchased through a licensed hearing healthcare provider, Phonak makes it very easy to find providers using the “find a provider” tool on their webpage. Once you have made an appointment, the licensed provider will assess your hearing and provide recommendations about the best products for your hearing needs. When choosing a hearing aid, I always recommend consulting either an audiologist or hearing healthcare provider, as they will have the best advice.
Pro Tip: How does Phonak compare to other hearing aid providers? Check out our comparison: ReSound vs Phonak.
At your hearing assessment, the hearing healthcare provider should make recommendations about the style and level of hearing aid that is right for you. The physical styles will vary based on the level of hearing loss. Phonak hearing aids usually cost about $1500-$3000 each. The price varies based on the level of technology and the length of the warranty, as well as what provider services are included in the purchase. Remember that most people have about the same amount of hearing loss in both ears, and it’s usually advisable to wear hearing aids in both ears, especially for Bluetooth streaming.
A pair of Phonak hearing aids will usually cost about $3,000-$6,000, depending on the style, features, and technology level. Additionally, a Roger system upgrade is advisable if you struggle hearing amidst background noise or multiple talkers. However, each Roger accessory costs $600-800, which can be a sticking point for some.
Alternative to Hearing Aids:Personal sound amplifiers offer an affordable alternative to hearing aids and can work wonders for those with mild to moderate hearing loss.
If you prefer to pay for the purchase over time rather than upfront in full, many hearing healthcare providers offer interest-free financing through medical finance companies. Pricing can vary from provider to provider, as does the quality of care and how much follow-up care is included in the initial price of the hearing aid. We recommend exploring different providers and asking about pricing, services included, and other terms before making a final choice.
Phonak Roger Accessories
Paradise and Marvel products have an integrated Roger receiver. This means that without any additional add-ons, they can connect directly to Roger accessories. These products work better than other remote microphone products because they allow you to participate more easily in multiple talker conversations. Most remote mics clips onto one other person, which is great for one-on-one conversation, but not so great from a table full of people. There are three styles of Roger available.
Roger Pen
The Roger Pen is a discrete accessory that – you guessed it – looks like a pen! It can be held by the listener and be discreetly pointed at whichever person is speaking, allowing you the control to quickly switch focus between speakers.
Roger Select
The Roger Select is a disc-shaped mic designed to sit in the middle of a table and facilitate participation in group conversations. The mic itself chooses which speaker to focus on and automatically switches the direction of focus when the speaker changes, meaning that you can get the benefit of multi-talker conversation, hands-free. It allows for streaming from media devices like your TV, making it perfect for in-home use.
Roger Table Mic II
The Roger Table Mic II is similar to the Roger Select but is desired for working professionals participating in meetings. A single mic can be used in a smaller meeting, or multiple mics can be networked together for meetings with several people.
Phonak App
Both Lumity and Infinio hearing aids can connect to any Bluetooth-compatible phone. If you do have a smartphone, there are additional features you can access through the MyPhonak app. The MyPhonak app can be used as a remote control, hearing aid status tracker, and even to make remote adjustments. You can make volume changes, select programs, and even save your favorite settings.
You can also keep track of your battery charge status and wearing time using the app. Through the remote support feature, the app allows you to access remote programming from your hearing healthcare provider. You can have a virtual appointment to troubleshoot issues, and if you need a minor adjustment, your provider can adjust them remotely in real-time, all through the app, saving you a trip to the office.
Phonak Returns and Warranties
Hearing aids are typically covered under a manufacturer’s warranty for one to four years. It’s important to ask your hearing healthcare provider what the warranty period is. Some providers include their own services (hearing tests, follow up appointments, in-office repairs, etc) in the price of the hearing aid for the duration of the manufacturer’s warranty if you purchased your hearing aids through them, while other hearing healthcare providers might charge less for the hearing aid itself, but also change for each appointment and follow up service. It’s good to discuss which specific services are included at the time of your purchase.
The Phonak warranty is valid globally, which means you can find a provider almost anywhere in the world to service the hearing aids for you if you need a repair in a pinch. Do note, however, that while the repair itself would be covered abroad, there may be additional charges for the hearing healthcare provider.
If after you purchase your hearing aids you find that they are not working for you, all states in the U.S. have some provisional return period, usually at least 30 days. The provider is required to inform you of return policies at the time of purchase.
In Closing
Phonak hearing aids are some of the best in the industry, and they are priced accordingly. They provide excellent sound quality and connectivity to all Bluetooth phones regardless of make and model. The accessory line up is also a great solution for anyone who struggles with background noise and finds that they need more than hearing aids alone. However, if you are cost-conscious, or want to purchase your hearing aids completely online, then I’d recommend checking out Eargo hearing aids or Lexie hearing aids.
Overall, Phonak offers a comprehensive hearing aid offering for individuals with severe to profound loss, or users looking for rechargeable or Bluetooth-enabled hearing aids to stream music, audio, and phone calls.
Frequently Asked Questions
Should I use a Phonak hearing aid if I don’t want to use Bluetooth streaming?
Phonak hearing aids are leading in sound quality and can be used as excellent top of the line hearing aids on their own.
Where can I purchase Phonak hearing aids?
Phonak hearing aids must be purchased through a licensed hearing healthcare professional. You can use the locator on Phonak’s website to find your nearest provider.
How much do repairs typically cost?
Out-of-warranty hearing aid repairs usually cost between $200-400 if the hearing aid needs to be sent back to the manufacturer. If it is a repair your hearing healthcare provider can change in the office it may cost less.
How long is the manufacturer’s warranty on a Phonak hearing aid?
The manufacturer’s warranty is at least one year but can be up to three years, and this can vary based on the provider. It’s also usually possible to purchase an extended warranty through Phonak, up to four years.